Wide Range of Massage and Stretching Services
Relieving the stress and tension associated with the accumulation of Lactic Acid, causing muscle soreness and range of motion restriction, nerve entrapment, trigger points, and lymphedema.
We Utilize Isolated Stretching and Strengthening techniques specifically working towards myokisnetic and myoskeletal issues pertaining to Geriatric Age Groups, Parkinson’s MS, Spastic – Paresis, Golfers, Athletes and treating symptoms of muscle restrictions due to inflexibility and unstabilized joints.
Massage Therapy
- Ashiatsu Massage
- Bellanina Facelift
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Lypossage Contouring
- Shiatsu Massage
- Swedish Massage
- Thai Massage
Stretching Exercises
- Myoskeletal Alignment
- Active Isolated Stretching
- Myofascial Release Treatment
Pain Relief
- Cranial Therapy
- NMT (Neuromuscular) Therapy
- Ortho Bionomy Therapy
- Reflexology Application
- Trigger-Point Therapy